We want our children to leave Carlton with the vocabulary and ability to communicate confidently through their writing. Thus, giving them the tools to thrive and embrace the challenges that await them wherever their future takes them.
Across each year, the children are exposed to a range of different fiction and non-fiction text types and see high quality model texts from which they can create their own. Toolkits are collaboratively created and built upon each year for progression. Children are encouraged to use their own interests or other stimuli (e.g. film, books, experiences) to develop stamina and to enhance their passion for writing. Writing is also used to communicate their learning across the curriculum.
To aid their writing, children are taught phonics and spellings systematically. Punctuation and Grammar are taught both explicitly and modelled in the range of texts the children are exposed to across the curriculum. Children are encouraged to take pride in the presentation of their writing and handwriting lessons teach the mechanics to be able to write with ease and accuracy.
Our approach to the teaching and learning of writing is absolutely reflected in the Carlton Skillset – Determination, Curiosity, Reflection, Collaboration, Growth Mindset, Resilience, Respect and Independence.
Writing is taught using the Talk4Writing programme. The three stages of the process imitate, innovate and independent application are followed through in each unit of work. Fiction and non-fiction units are taught every half term. The core texts, as detailed in the curriculum map, have been planned and approved by the SLT to ensure there is progression and challenge across each year, building upon texts learnt in previously.
Spelling is taught through RWInc Phonics and RWinc Spelling programmes
Each year group study a range of fiction genres each year. The curriculum is mapped to ensure that each genre is covered across the year groups.
In EYFS they also follow the same Talk4Writing programme with a clearer focus on children ‘imitating’ and internalising the text, slowly building up to more independent writing. In Reception non-fiction and fiction text types are covered. Traditional tales provide the starting point for much of the literacy content.
The fiction text genres are:
- A wishing story
- A defeating the monster story
- A losing story
- A warning story
- A suspense story
- A journey/adventure story
- A rags to riches/change story
- A fantasy/portal story
Each year group covers each of the six genres of non-fiction text types every year.
The non-fiction text genres are:
- Instructions
- Persuasion
- Discussion
- Recount
- Report
- Explanation
Children learn each core text using actions and maps to help them internalise the language structure.
Once children have internalised the core text they are then able to change aspects of it in order to create their own story using the structures of the original.
Independent Application
Children use what they have learnt to create their own story.